Why Bother with UI Frameworks?

22 Feb 2018

UI Frameworks Are Not Simple

Learning a new UI framework is no simple task. You will have to learn the Framework’s core concepts and principles, its capabilities, how to navigate its documentation, and how to integrate it into your project. Then if you find parts of the framework that are not tuned to your likeing you will have to write you own classes and components anyway.

It may seem that learning a new UI framework is more effort than what it is worth, perhaps you’re tempted to just start from scratch rather than messing with a packaged framework. I, however, think otherwise. I believe that although learning a new framework can be a bit of a strain, it is well worth your time.

Your Return on Investment

Working with a UI framework rather that starting your projects from scratch will, in the long run, save you vast amounts of time and effort. Using a new UI framework will at first seem counterproductive, constantly referring to the documentation and making a lot of mistakes. But, as you get more comfortable, the framework will make your work time much more efficient. You will begin to recognize familiar tasks and know exactly what tools to use that your framework provides. For example instead of having to rebuild a nav bar from scratch for a new UI, you can start from a point that is further along in the design process with your framework, add your customizations and finish the task quickly.

Personally, I have recently started learning Semantic UI. I am still a novice with the frameowrk but I already notice that I am able to build decent quality UI’s must faster than I would be able to without the technology.

Many Frameworks are Easily Customizable

Maybe it seems that using a framework will make you website or application look just like everyone else’s and it won’t stand out. That is a very fair point and its true, if you use the framework out of the box and don’t add your personal style.

Frameworks are, most of the time, easily customizable. If you are using Semantic UI for example, you can manually customize classes by editting the framework’s files to add your personal touch. Other frameworks even offer “GUI customizers” if you don’t want to manually edit the framework’s source.

Even though you may want to customize some of the framework’s components, you are still saving time since you are, again, starting from a point further along in the design process.

Benefits of UI Frameworks

Although learning a UI frameworks may seem difficult, if you are a serious software engineer and plan on developing new and interesting projects, then you should learn and become efficient with a UI framework. There are many frameworks out there ranging in style and complexity. You should find one that fits your needs and tastes and start coding!